Thursday, February 3, 2011

Susann (Huizinga) Grasman

City/State of Residence: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Current Employment: 1st grade teacher at Hope Prot. Ref. Chr. School

# of years at current job: 9 # of jobs since high school: 2

Post High Education: Bachelors degree from GVSU, currently taking courses towards a masters in reading.

Out and About - # of other US States visited: 28 # of other countries visited: 4 - Alberta, Canada; Denmark, Norway and Great Britain

Favorite Scripture Verse: Psalm 121:8 "The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."

Single / Married – If married, wedding date: Married Vance Grasman on June 12, 2009

Children (names & ages):

High School Memories

Who was your favorite teacher/coach and why: I guess I would have to say Mr. Huizinga - because he's my dad. :)

What high school experience do you still laugh about: The time that the power went off and school was dismissed. However, it came back on right as everyone was leaving. I can still picture Miss Lubbers standing outside trying to call everyone back in. It didn't work, we left anyway.

What is your fondest memory: Having my father for my teacher.

Do you remember a senior prank: No, I don't remember our class doing one. That doesn't mean it didn't happen. Where you a part of it:

Did you make a friend(s) you still keep in touch with: Jen Knott and I stay in touch abit - our students have worked together on some projects and that has been a neat experience.

We are now 33 – give or take a year. What age do feel: I am 34, and I guess I feel it, too. High school seems like a LONG time ago. :)

Post High Experience

Best piece of advice received in the last 15 years: Take everything to the Lord in prayer.

Your proudest accomplishment: Although proud may not be the word for it, having the priviledge of teaching my nieces and nephews is a blessing that I will always treasure.

Favorite thing about your current life situation: Having the summers off. :)

Most important life lesson learned (humorous or serious): God is good, all the time.

An issue you are passionate about and why: Our Protestant Reformed Christian schools - what a blessing God has given us in providing these schools where our children are taught in the light of His Word.

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