Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dana (Pipe) VanPutten

City & State of Residence: Grand Rapids, MI

Current Employment:

# of years at current job: 0 # of jobs since high school- 4

Post High Education: Associates Degree in Arts and Sciences

Out and About - # of other US States visited: 6 # of other countries visited: 2 - Canada & Mexico

Favorite Scripture Verse: Luke 2 :13-14

Single / Married – If married, wedding date: Married on Sept 14, 2001 (yes, the week of Sept 11) - to Pete VanPutten

Children (names & ages): Braden-6; Tanner-4; Chase-2

High Shool Memories

Who was your favorite teacher/coach and why: Mr Lanning-I liked science

What high school experience do you still laugh about: I was getting ready to go to Cults and a sophomore came running around the corner and plowed into me. My books went flying and I fell to the ground. The guy was so worried about being tardy, he just picked up his books and ran to his class without helping me. My friends were so busy laughing at me they weren’t much help either. Miss Lubbers still gave me a tardy even after I told her my story.

What is your fondest memory: I have overall great memories of high school

Do you remember a senior prank: no Where you a part of it: I guess not or I have a really bad memory

Did you make a friend(s) you still keep in touch with: yes

We are now 33 – give or take a year. What age do feel: sometimes 25 (LOL) but most of the time I just feel my age

Post High Experience

1. Best piece of advice you have received in the last 15 years: cherish the time with your children when they are young-even if they are driving you nuts-they won’t be this age forever

2. Your proudest accomplishment: my boys

3. Favorite thing about your current life situation: All of our great family vacations

4. Most important life lesson learned(humorous or serious): Boys drive you crazy??!

5. An issue you are passionate about and why: I’m not really sure….

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